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Private Coach : Your Personal Training software, nutrition tracker, and training diary!

Program flow

1.  How many users can use the program?
2.  How many training plans can be created per user?


3.  Will a purchased license be valid for later versions?
4.  How can I uninstall Private Coach?
5.  How can I create a backup of my data?


How many users can use the program?

The maximum number of users (athletes) depends on the program edition.
See the
>> Edition Comparison Chart for details.


How many training plans can be created per user?

There is no limit to the number of training plans per user.


Will a purchased license be valid for later versions?

A license is valid for later versions that within the same version generation (2.x, 3.x).

How can I uninstall Private Coach?

On Windows, use the uninstall feature in the control panel.


How can I create a backup of my data?

Private Coach comes with an automatic backup feature which can be used to create manual and automatic backups. This feature is accessible from the Program Settings.
